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January 19th 2025 - 22:02

Main Menu -> User Voyages -> Australian Heritage Fleet -> James Craig - Sydney to Hobart

James Craig - Sydney to Hobart

Track the 1874 Barque James Craig as she sails from Sydney to Hobart

Total Distance: 1184.75nm over 26.50 days
Average distance each day: 44.71nm
Distance from last position : 178.88nm
Last Position:
34°17'60.00 S 151°14'24.00 E
  on February 27th 2005 @ 13:00

Heading 26°
Speed 12
Ship's Log:
A fair and gentle breeze is taking us north, along the coast of New
South Wales. At 0215 the engines are shut down and by 0630 all plain sail is
set. The navigators are taking advantage of prominant landmarks such as
Pigeon House Mountain and Point Perpendicular, and the chip log is streamed
to measure 4 knots exactly.
At 1630 the boat is launched so that the cameraman, Barry Nichols, can get
some film of James Craig under full sail.  Barry has been with us since
before we left Sydney and has captured many magic moments. He´s become one
of the crew, and when he doesn´t have a camera attached to his head he´ll
help us furl sails or haul on halyards. He´s making a documentary called
´Shipmates´ which will be available for world-wide release.
The wind has been backing and veering on our starboard quarter, and as it
veers to S by E the mains´l is scandalised to allow air to flow to the head
yards. At 2015 hrs the Moon with Jupiter rises on our starboard beam, the
lights of Kiama pass by to port, and the ´Global Steel Challenge´ yachts
race past on both sides on their way to Cape Town. (Luckily we´re on a
starboard tack!) By midnight we´re 18 miles south of Botany Bay.


Wind SbE
Pressure B1030
Email processed: 2005-02-28 22:10:02

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