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February 9th 2025 - 09:02

2012 Trip 3 - Pacific Swift

tracking Pacific Swift: 7 recorded positions
Last Position:
50°24'18.00 N 125°49'12.00 W
  on August 1st 2012 @ 10:30

Ship's Log:
We did manage to meet up with the Grace not last night but the night before at Teakerne Arm. Our two boats rafted up together and near 1930hrs and we all enjoyed an evening of sharing stories, games and mugup in the Grace's hold. Yesterday began with a trip to Cassel Lake Falls for a boring shower and then a leisurely hike up passed the falls to Cassel Lake. Cassel Lake is one of the warmest areas we get the chance to enjoy during our ten day summer trips and without fail our group were in the water for over an hour, swimming, logrolling and balancing. The sun was shinning so the remote setting was even more stunning in the warmth. Departing by 1200hrs we were headed north to make slack water at Yuculta and Dent Rapids. Both these narrows boast currents up to 11 its when full flood is running so our goal was to pass through at slack water. Both also are very beautiful in their coastal setting as well. Snow capped peaks, islands everywhere and an abundance of Bald Eagles waiting in the trees lining the waters edge for unsuspecting stray salmon, we counted 20 in total. Last night was spent in Bickley Bay which is on route to Johnstone Strait, our goal for today. As the wind is light we are making a run up Johnstone Strait towards Alert Bay. Northerly winds are forecasted for this area in the next couple of days so moving north now will allow us to enjoy them farther up rather than battle with as we make our way north.
Juniors are writing their chart work exams today and Intermediates are preparing for theirs in a day or two.
All are well.

Light overcast, calm and a little cooler


tall ships
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