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January 16th 2025 - 14:23

Pacific Swift Trip 5 2008

tracking Pacific Swift: 8 recorded positions
Last Position:
48°33'53.64 N 124°25'51.60 W
  on August 27th 2008 @ 19:00

Ship's Log:
After a dark and squally night we awoke to dawn full of promise. The
anchor was aweigh by 0800 and sail was set shortly thereafter. The
breeze was fickle throughout the day and our fortunes ranged from 8
knots to 1.5 knots. We had rain off and on and the swell was runninī
high. By dinner time though weīd reached Port San Juan and have
officially entered the Juan de Fuca Strait for our final stretch home.
The group is coming together well and looking forward to making the most
of our last couple days.

anchored, overcast

Pressure 1000
Wind SW5
Email processed: 2008-08-27 22:24:05

tall ships
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