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July 26th 2024 - 17:32


Coxswain Standards and JRCC
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Part of the 12 hour Coxswain Standards dev. session

Category: Bosunīs Log

January 23rd, 2006
It was an amazing yet busy weekend! Meeting with the President and executive Director of the CCGA about the SAR module. Taking a tour of JRCC and meeting the OIC, and Superintendent of SAR (who we knew from ISAR) and finally working for about 20 hours on the Coxswain Training Standards with the ARTE team... so, how was your weekend?...
Add JRCC to the mix
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VIPs touring JRCC

Category: Bosunīs Log

January 18th, 2006
Looks like Kellei and I are finally going to get to take a tour of the Joint Rescue Coordination Centre in Victoria (JRCC) as part of our coming trip for various CCGA Business......
Tags: jrcc ccga sms

wooden boats
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