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February 14th 2025 - 19:24


Around Our World in 14 days...

Category: Bosunīs Log

March 9th, 2007
The last 2 weeks have been a bit of a whirlwind of activity - from the CCGA-P AGM to spending a week with the CEO of the International Maritime Rescue Federation to a trip to Edmonton for the CCGA National Board Meeting - and now quick prep to teach a weekend Navigation Course - life is been more of a blur then usual......
Tags: ccga imrf
Coast Guard Auxiliary - Pacific AGM
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Team SAR Crest

Category: Bosunīs Log

February 22nd, 2007
Itīs that time of year again. This weekend is the 2007 Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary - Pacific Annual General Conference and Training Day. Kellei and I are off to attend as usual, helping out in various ways and looking forward to meeting more CCGA-P members and representatives from other SAR communities around the world......
Tags: ccga agm
Back From the Simulator
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From the Outside Looking in

Category: Bosunīs Log

January 29th, 2007
Kellei and I are home after our trip to Newfoundland to test out the CCGA-Pīs new Fast Rescue Craft Simulator. This was for one of the final tests to ensure this new simulator will work for the training program of the Auxiliary. Being that it is the first of itīs kind in the world - itīs really quite impressive!...
New Year Resolution
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Checking out the plane

Category: Bosunīs Log

December 30th, 2006
For my new year resolution I resolve to not make any new year resolutions... but in doing so I have already broken it....
Waterspout Forcast
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Victoria MCTS Dashboard

Category: Bosunīs Log

September 5th, 2005
The 4pm forecast yesterday actually included a risk of waterspouts, Iīll get into that and take a small look inside the Victoria Coast Guard Radio station courtesy of photos from a friend...
First to drive the new FRC Simulator
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The new FRC Simulator Prototype

Category: Bosunīs Log

October 10th, 2006
I was privileged today to be one of the first people to drive the CCGAīs new FRC Simulator. This is a fairly major milestone in the progress of the first FRC Simulator in the world - and itīs awesome to be right at the forefront of this exciting new project......
Kellei Passed her ColRegs - no big surprise
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Category: Bosunīs Log

May 18th, 2006
I got a message yesterday from Kellei, having fun at RHIOT and much more relaxed after passing her ColRegs exam......
Welcome Home Kellei - RHIOT Graduate!
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Happy Camper

Category: Bosunīs Log

May 24th, 2006
It may have been a foregone conclusion in my mind - but Iīm happy to welcome Kellei home after successfully completing RHIOT. She did great and thanks to friends that happened to be in the area - we have photos and video!...
News from RHIOT

Category: Bosunīs Log

May 22nd, 2006
Heard from Kellei this morning, all is well in Bamfield - with the two night runs behind her and a forecast for 60kn winds......
Training Into Tow
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Kellei at the helm - towing the vessel

Category: Bosunīs Log

May 14th, 2006
Itīs that time of year again... things always pick up in the summer and this season is not looking like any exception. SInce Kellei leaves for RHIOT on Tuesday we have been out training a lot. Yesterday was supposed to be a 2 hour slow boat handling training session - we ended up with much more then we planned - but it was all good!...
Tags: rhiot ccga kellei sar ...
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Prototyle console for the SARSim

Category: Bosunīs Log

February 10th, 2006
Well, Iīm off to Victoria _again_ for more CCGA meetings - this time centered on the new Fast Response Craft simulator project they have in the works......
Mining Museum
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The Worldīs Largest Violin

Category: Bosunīs Log

October 4th, 2005
Anik had planned a visit to the Mining Museum before heading back to Halifax - we had never heard of it and we are so glad we didnīt miss this. It was amazing!...
Cape Bretton
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On the Cabot Trail

Category: Bosunīs Log

October 3rd, 2005
The day after ISAR - only 3 hours sleep but still abuzz with joy - we depart for Cape Bretton...
Halifax Citadel
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Kellei holding the powder bucket

Category: Bosunīs Log

October 5th, 2005
Our final day centered around the Halifax Citadel - which, knowing us, also included some emergency first aid for another visitor......
Building a Virtual FRC
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Category: Bosunīs Log

August 19th, 2005
After a fairly extensive photo-shoot of our new rescue vessel the time has come to realize a three year dream and build an on-line virtual tour / inventory of a typical Fast Responce Rescue Vessel...
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Draft Logo for ARTE Team

Category: Bosunīs Log

October 19th, 2005
My letter has arrived - I guess this is the next adventure - moving on to the CCGA Advanced Rescue Trainer Evaluator course......
Tags: ccga arte
Coxswain Standards and JRCC
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Part of the 12 hour Coxswain Standards dev. session

Category: Bosunīs Log

January 23rd, 2006
It was an amazing yet busy weekend! Meeting with the President and executive Director of the CCGA about the SAR module. Taking a tour of JRCC and meeting the OIC, and Superintendent of SAR (who we knew from ISAR) and finally working for about 20 hours on the Coxswain Training Standards with the ARTE team... so, how was your weekend?...
Defining Training Standards
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Advanced Rescue Trainer Evaluator Team

Category: Bosunīs Log

January 18th, 2006
We are back at it again - working to define the Coxswain Training Standards for the CCGA and the training delivery for the region......
Add JRCC to the mix
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VIPs touring JRCC

Category: Bosunīs Log

January 18th, 2006
Looks like Kellei and I are finally going to get to take a tour of the Joint Rescue Coordination Centre in Victoria (JRCC) as part of our coming trip for various CCGA Business......
Tags: jrcc ccga sms
SAR Module 1.0
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A sample Report from the SAR Module

Category: Bosunīs Log

December 5th, 2005
Itīs finally made it to a 1.0 release. The new SAR module currently in Beta Testing for the Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary - Pacific should revolutionize SAR reporting......
Training under a Harvest Moon
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Category: Bosunīs Log

April 3rd, 2007
Monday nights are our typical Coast Guard Auxiliary training nights and yesterday was no exception. We went out training for 2 hours on the water to complete some navigation exercises that were canceled 2 weeks ago due to weather. Throughout most of this we were treated to the most magnificently harvest moon......
ISAR 2005 Results
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Kellei and her winning Can-Am Team

Category: Bosunīs Log

October 2nd, 2005
Collectively our Pacific Region Table stacked up 10 trophies before the night was out. Including all the National and International trophies that Canadian teams can win!...
ISAR Day 1
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Helo Exercise

Category: Bosunīs Log

September 30th, 2005
WOW! What a day! Team selections last night pulled Kellei to the Can-Am team leaving our team as Sidney, Campbell, and myself - todays events being Chartwork, SARex, and Radio Comms....
Tags: isar ccga
ISAR T-4 days
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Category: Bosunīs Log

September 24th, 2005
Everyone is here now - and we had a great training session last night - Iīm blogging early today before we head out on the water for another full day of simulated SAR...
ISAR T-3 days
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Training with Cape Caution on Thromanby Is.

Category: Bosunīs Log

September 25th, 2005
What a wonderful training day! We got so much accomplished and I think everyone had a great time doing it....
ISAR T-2 days
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Sidney, Kellei, and Campbell

Category: Bosunīs Log

September 26th, 2005
Another great day of training yesterday - in Gibsons this time and on a different vessel - our crew communications (one of the most important things) is finally clicking....
Tags: isar ccga
ISAR Travel Day
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Halifax Airport Promotional Image (hmmm - looks like a long line to me)

Category: Bosunīs Log

September 27th, 2005
By the time most of you read this - weīll already be enroute to Halifax - itīs finally actually happening!!!...
ISAR T-5 days
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Category: Bosunīs Log

September 23rd, 2005
The Team arrives today for our final weekend of training. Amid well wishers from the community and thoughts sent by email itīs really starting to become larger then life....
ISAR T-6 days
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Category: Bosunīs Log

September 22nd, 2005
6 Days and counting (wish I could say that in the James Bond Voice of the evil maniacīs drone who always stands resolutely by the microphone while the empire is blowing up around him....
ISAR T-7 days
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Category: Bosunīs Log

September 21st, 2005
Thus begins the count down to ISAR (Briefing Day is Sept 29th in Halifax) I will chronical training steps and events leading up to the actual competition......
Bosunsmateīs Scott & Kellei Baker Win at ISAR 2005
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Kelleiīs Winning Team

Category: Whatīs New

October 2nd, 2005
The Pacific Region team lead by Scott Baker won the one event that they wanted more then any other - the on-water SAR exercise (one of only 4 teams to locate the search object) Better yet, Kellei won the overall 2005 Can-Am Trophy as well as two Can-Am events!...
Sunshine Coast SAREX
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Myself, Shawn and Colin evaluating

Category: Bosunīs Log

April 28th, 2007
Spent all day today down in Gibsons at the 2007 Sunshine Coast SAREX. A multi-agency training exercise for Search and Rescue. Kellei was the official photographer and I was acting as one of the evaluators....
World Matirime Rescue Congress
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Category: Bosunīs Log

May 27th, 2007
Weīre on our way... to England, Sweden, and Ireland - the excuse? The World Maritime Rescue Congress in Gothenburg Sweden June 3rd - but weīve got a whole lot more then just that planned......
Meeting with the RNLI
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The RNLI Reserve Fleet

Category: Bosunīs Log

May 30th, 2007
Met with the RNLI today and after a fairly informative one hour tour from Barbara we spent several hours meeting with Ian to discuss training programs, which led into drinks, which led into dinner......
Tags: rnli travel poole ccga ...
Regularly Unscheduled Drivel
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NETSim component of simulator

Category: Bosunīs Log

August 25th, 2007
We now return you to your regularly unscheduled drivel... I think as much as can be said about the Robertson II has been said for the time being - I need to look forward again to happier things, so itīs off to Newfoundland again for another test of the CCGAīs new simulator......
Back in St. Johns

Category: Bosunīs Log

August 27th, 2007
Back in St. Johns Newfoundland today - it was a long trip as usual - but the first day out made it all worth it as we got to test out our new small vessel simulator - that is really looking good now!...
Fast Rescue Craft Simulator
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FRCsim Training Simulator

Category: Bosunīs Log

October 14th, 2007
To further promote the Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary - Pacificīs new training program that includes FRCsim - a revolutionary new training simulator we have produced an introductory video that explains the program in detail....
Radar Training
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Category: Bosunīs Log

November 22nd, 2007
Went out training last night - a bit cold but a great evening regardless. This was another radar orientation exercise for some of the newer crew and thanks to a passing tug and tow was a great exercise....

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