Pacific Grace 2002 - SCMS Trip
Pacific Grace 2002 - Surrey Christian Middle School

First Mate & Bosun
First Mate Jonathan and Bosun Kai hard at... play?
Murder Mystery Night
Our excellent crew could also be described as somewhat... eccentric... in their fashion ideas!
Undercover Skipper
New meets Old
We had the pleasure of watching them watching us!
A Meeting
Pacific Swift seen fine to port.
Lessons as Seen From Aloft
Blue & White
A gorgeous day for climbing under sail
Climbing Among the Sails
Climbing II
Coiling Lines
Grace Crew 2002
Some of the Grace Crew - Informal
First Mate
Sunset along the Boom
Grace Deck
A view of the Grace
Grace Deck
A view of the Grace
Flag at Sunset
Pacific Grace
Look Up - Look Waaaaay Up!
Hard to believe that people climb up to the top... regularly!